
LeoDear Leo,

If you haven’t read it yet, you might want to review my article on Sun Signs in general before you read the article below.

When you are being typical, your Sun in the element of fire makes you motivated by your intuition and visionary powers. Like all Fire signs, you relate to life through a symbolic system of personal myth with yourself cast as the hero. In your case, this can make you quite dramatic.

Because Leo is a fixed sign, you tend to be goal-oriented and persistent. Develop your sense of personal style so that you are a warm, proud (in the best sense of the word) and confident presence.

Even though you in potential to perform before others when you need to, what’s not generally known is that yours is the most introverted of the fire signs. Yours is a spiritual quest to find the true centre within from which you and your creative spirit springs. Magnanimity is the virtue you are developing; wise Leos know to be generous with their warmth and vitality. Shine, but steadily develop the confidence to let others shine around you. Hogging the spotlight is the path to failure.

In the northern hemisphere, where astrology sprang, summer is consolidated and fruit ripens in the full heat of the season and grows to be clearly seen. So it is with Leo: like it or not, you are going to noticed, so do your best to make your being a positive and constructive personal force. You can be a great leader as long as you own the fact that what you choose to express has a profound impact on others. No other sign can has the power to affect an environment like you can.

Still, know dear Leo that you are a star even when others don’t adequately appreciate what you are. Be your own encouraging audience and cheer when you keep shining your inner light regardless!

Leo archetypes include:

  • The Monarch
  • The Show-off
  • The Heart of Gold
  • The Shining Light

Proper care and feeding of your Sun sign means:

  • Aspiring to personal greatness
  • Seeking opportunities to express your pizzazz and creative flair
  • Learning how to be appropriately humble so you don’t develop the kind of pride that goes before a fall
  • Continually affirming your intrinsic self-worth in all circumstances



P.S.: Sun Signs are only a very small part of Astrology.

To learn so much more about your horoscope, consider having a reading.