
Galaxy MindThe sky has long been a source of wonder and beauty for human kind. Once upon a time, every luminous body within it was considered a ‘star’. It is from this understanding that astrology, literally the study (logos) of the stars (astro), was born.

Astrology explores the relationship between the movements in the sky and life here on Earth. It is an ancient discipline. Through the ages, astrologers have existed in most cultures right back to pre-historic times.

The astrologer’s primary tool is the horoscope: a detailed diagram representing the positions of the ‘stars’ as they appear from a fixed place and time. A chart can be cast for many things: the moment a question is asked, a ship launched, or even when particular planets align. What most fascinates me are horoscopes for human beings.

Your horoscope is a picture of the sky for an all important event: the date, place and time of your birth. It shows what was written in the heavens when you took your first breath. No two horoscopes are exactly alike; your horoscope is uniquely yours. In my experience, there’s much insight to be gained from understanding what your horoscope has to say about you.

Every symbol in your horoscope represents a range of possibilities. Learning about your horoscope gives you greater insight into who you are and who you may become. In this way, astrology is similar to a lot of other rich models of the psyche that can be used for personal growth. Self-knowledge is self-power!

However, astrology does more. Because the sky is always moving, the interactions between your horoscope and the sky of tomorrow can be creatively interpreted for their quality, character and possibilities. Knowing something about the nature of conditions ahead is a huge advantage as you can plan for them; make better choices during them and have strategies firmly in place to assist you in getting the most of them.

Astrology is a discipline of great power and subtlety with a rich tradition. It is a tool that can be used for great concrete human benefit. It works, but it is only a tool. It’s not a religion or an ideology. How astrology works is a mystery, but I believe that it’s a product of the fact that all things are rooted in the same field of being and there are reflections throughout.

What most people know about astrology is their “sign” – the position of the Sun on the day of their birth. For information about how the Sun works in the signs, visit my Sun Signs page.

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