
futureForecasting in astrology has a very bad reputation: it is viewed as foretelling immutable events in the future for a person. This is not astrology’s purpose.

Events do not happen to people in nearly as interesting ways as people happen to events!

Astrology is a tool for understanding the qualities of any given time, but not its contents with any kind of certainty. The ongoing cycles of celestial phenomena reflect what’s happening on earth; they do not make anything happen. We all have to make choices. Astrology gives you insight so you can make them a little better informed.

A peek into key cycles is included in my All About You reading. To learn how you can best use the influences coming into your life to advance you on your life journey over the next 12 months, consider having my Time of Your Life reading.  Note this reading is for returning clients only or for clients that have had an All About You reading.

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