
HousesThe houses are a 12-fold division of space from a particular vantage point on the earth. They describe the “where” of astrology: which environment, or what life department, the Moon, Sun or planet is likely to manifest.

For example, the Second House is traditionally thought of as including money. Really however, the Second House is what you value – what it is worth to you personally. Astrology describes this qualitatively, not in terms of a bank account balance.

Because you find what’s symbolized here valuable, you’re likely to build up more and more real-world instances of it in your life. It’s a resource to be enjoyed, but also at times stuff you’d love to get rid of because you’ve got so much of it! Developed well, the second house symbolizes the product you have to sell and share with others. And the more valuable a product is, the more the market will bear. So maybe what is the second house really symbolizes is a quality that you need to be both valuable to yourself

To learn about what astrology has to say about your Second House, consider my All About You reading.

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