May 3, 2016
Divine and Diabolical in New York City
It’s been sung that if you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere. Well I’m off to find out!
I’ll be presenting “Divine and Diabolical: The Astrology of Good & Evil” at the Quest Bookshop, 240 East 53rd Street, New York City, on Tuesday on May 10, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.
I love the Big Apple and I love giving this talk.
The struggle between the forces of good and evil is a common theme in art and literature: one merely needs to go to the cinema or read fiction. Can good and evil be determined astrologically? During this talk, I will illuminate their relationship by philosophically exploring concepts of good and evil; discussing traditional and modern astrological approaches to the issue; and, presenting a series of horoscopes of the famous and notorious.
It will be fun to present to an audience who is completely new to me and it will be great to meet with members of New York’s astrological community.
I can hardly wait!